Голландские лошади фризы из первых рук.

Friesian Horses



Michiel 442 x Stendert 447

Nyck is a very sweet, honest stallion. He got his nice head from his father Michiel. Nyck is from the famous Synaeda breedingline. His mother is the Model AA mare Syanke fan Synaeda, before her the Crown Prestatie AAA mare Wille fan Synaeda, then the model preferent AA mare Gonda F.T. and then Olcha Model Preferent Prestatie. An amazing motherline!

Nyck is a very good moving horse. Nyck his walk is with a lot of space, his trot is uphill with a nice front- and hindleg. Nyck likes to work, we just started under the saddle with him and he’s trying his very best. Nyck is very good behaving for carriage, he’s very safe in traffic and likes to work.


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